Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA edition!

Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA edition!

Unread postby DidelotM1 » November 20th, 2011, 4:54 pm

So I played through a weekend beta stress test of The Old Republic. I can sum up my feelings thusly.

:yuush: :grin: :bow :yay: :waytogo :chair :cheer

in short: Hell Yes.

I don't get excited for games, typically. Even games I Love and adore like Mass Effect and others. They are games I look forward to playing and all that, but edge-of-my-seat-can't-wait-to-play-I-must-have-it-NOWism? Never. I have hit that plateau with TOR I can honestly say. When my time in the weekend beta test was up I was honestly depressed that it was over. The Game isn't complicated to learn the ins and outs of. The combat, while not teeth gnashingly difficult, won't make you headbutt your monitor in frustration either. The Voice acting is solid and I adored the RP and story aspects of the game. It's all very Bioware so if you love their style of games, have no fear. I only played to about lvl 10 or so as a bounty hunter,sith warrior,jedi knight,and smuggler as I plan on buying this game and didn't want to be completely spoiled by the beta testing. Something else of note, during my three days of testing,which they explained was a stress test weekend, the beta I had zero crashes and no noticable lagging. PVP and PVE are on seperate servers and easily marked as such. The Graphics of the game didn't bother me a bit and I was one that raised an eyebrow at the look when it first was shown. The character creator is a bit bland, but there IS enough for people to differentiate themselves from one another significantly, but if you're looking to adjust 'eye depth' and 'nose width' then as far as I could tell you're out of luck. Everything I saw was smooth and polished and none of it struck me in a 'wtf' manner. I was blown off my chair by this game. I can't wait. If you have questions, I can try to answer you.

and a tidbit: My Sith Warrior and his companion, Vette on the Imperial capital world.

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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby Zankaru Zelladonii » November 20th, 2011, 5:57 pm

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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby Wittgen » November 21st, 2011, 2:27 am

Was this a stress test from the mass of codes given out at Penny Arcade and the like? I'd be sad if I missed my chance to give this game a whirl.

I have a question. How MMORPG-y is it? WoW, for example, has never appealed to me because it looks so grindy and time consuming. Also, there seems to be a heavy component of social obligation for WoW. I'm curious how SWTOR matches it up? Is it mostly an actual game?
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby someone » November 21st, 2011, 4:23 am

I think the stress-test will be somewhere in December, right before launch.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby DidelotM1 » November 21st, 2011, 12:57 pm

Was this a stress test from the mass of codes given out at Penny Arcade and the like? I'd be sad if I missed my chance to give this game a whirl.

I have a question. How MMORPG-y is it? WoW, for example, has never appealed to me because it looks so grindy and time consuming. Also, there seems to be a heavy component of social obligation for WoW. I'm curious how SWTOR matches it up? Is it mostly an actual game?

your first question: No I got my weekend entry by signing up at the main site. I did nothing else. Although I just got reinvited for the coming weekend by signing up for that Bioware Social Network so there's two opportunities there.

your second question: I Soloed all weekend, there were only a few of the bigger monsters/droids/bosses that totally kick my keester in, but they were ment to be tough so.. As far as I can tell, you can go through as much or as little of the game as possible all by your lonesome if you like, the npc companions help with that. If TOR were a single player sequel to KOTOR games, it'd easily stand up well to any of them. PVE and PVP are seperate servers so you don't have to worry about that. As for Grinding for loot, The entire time I played the game never seemed at all like a chore. Your companions can take care of crafting and collecting seperate from your killing stuff as well.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby DidelotM1 » November 21st, 2011, 12:57 pm

I think the stress-test will be somewhere in December, right before launch.
It WAS a stress test, it said so in the congradulatory email I got letting me into the beta weekend.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby gamebrain89 » November 21st, 2011, 1:34 pm

Theres going to be at least one more beta group too, and they will be giving out codes for it at various sites. I got an invite on the 11th to an upcoming beta , and was told not to redeem one of those codes when they appear. the invite said more info and a date will be announced "soon". The invite for me also had a big "Everything associated with this test (game info, processes, forum communication) is confidential and may not be discussed outside the testing forum. So yeah, I probably won't be talking about it until told otherwise. I still haven't gotten any more emails or messages on my TOR account about it, so hopefully I'll get some more info soon.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby someone » November 21st, 2011, 3:13 pm

I got the same message, also on the 11th if I remember correctly.

Edit: I'm in the beta-test this weekend. And the NDA got lifted.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby viridian » December 23rd, 2011, 11:53 am

Bioware totally delivered. They actually lived up to the hype, which I didn't think was possible. :yuush:
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby gamebrain89 » December 23rd, 2011, 1:27 pm

Honestly, I have to disagree.

The storywork and voice over is great, but you are still running around doing the same old Fedex and Terminex missions as any other MMO. I played to about lvl 12 and partway into Coruscant as a Knight, and got bored with the slog. The VO and story just weren't enough to warrant the grind to me. A good story is awesome, but it doesn't do the players any good if the journey to it is a chore. and it sure felt like a chore to me.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby Phht » December 23rd, 2011, 3:39 pm

I heard some complaints about the consular story during beta. Can't say I had a story strength issue from the Republic Trooper.

Also, what grind? :D During beta I was never really grinding anything. I was doing quests and that kept me fairly on the curve without boring me. (Maybe we have different definitions of 'grinding'?)
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby gamebrain89 » December 23rd, 2011, 4:24 pm

By "Grind" I mean slogging through repetitive quests. Every thing was either Fetch and deliver quests, or "Kill X amount of Y" or "Kill X till you find Y amount of Z" I ended up doing the same thing all the time, just with different labels on it, and I can't say I was really enjoying it. and there were a couple of story missions where I just couldn't get past them till I went and ground out a couple of levels.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby someone » December 23rd, 2011, 5:18 pm

Everywhere you hear that the game can be played even with low end PCs, but mine was unplayably laggy... Luckily I didn't pre-order.

My brothers laptop managed just barely, but I had to argue quite a bit to even be allowed to use it for the beta. Sith Warrior didn't get boring in the first 10 levels or so which I played.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby viridian » December 24th, 2011, 2:06 am

There was enough change-up in the background stories to keep me interested. The stories were well-written, and the action moved along nicely. If you ignore the cut scenes, then yes, the missions will tend to all seem alike. Playing a Sith Inquisitor with the Paladin mindset was pretty surreal.

Downtime was very minimal - like the opposite end of the spectrum from the original Everquest.

Gamebrain, it sounds like you're just tired of quests, period. And that's fine. You can also PVP yourself to 50 too, in the warzones. Most of the "kill X enemies" quests are the bonus side-quests, and are totally optional.

Between very occaisional PvP and the starship combat, I'm actually outlevelling most of my quests. (I'm trying to do every quest offered, and currently I'm facing level 16-17 enemies on Taris... and I'm pushing 22. That's a lot of content.)
Story-driven quests are almost a staple of MMO design... The exceptions pretty much prove the rule. (I know a lot of people wanted another Star Wars Galaxies, but that wasn't going to happen.)

I don't think I can recall anything promised before launch that didn't happen. They even came up with something to replace Match-to-chest. (The slottable matching outfits.)
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby gamebrain89 » December 24th, 2011, 1:42 pm

See, thats the problem. Thing thing that had me interested in TOR was the story. Thats what I loved about KotOR, and most of Bioware's games. Im not interested in PvP, because I always end up getting my ass handed to me by people who do NOTHING but pvp. I don't have the desire to sink that much effort into optimising a character for PvP. I didn't in City of Heroes, I didn't in Star Trek Online, I don't here. STO kept my interest enough that I actually hit the level cap. I didn't see that kind of thing in the 12 levels I played of TOR.

I don't know. I may give it a while for the standard price to drop from 60 bucks and give it a second chance. but not right now.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby viridian » December 24th, 2011, 2:44 pm

Hmmmm... that's odd, because me and the missus were both digging on the stories. Though I will admit they have very different tones between character classes. (I'm doing Sage, she's doing Commando, and we both group up and watch each other's cut scenes...)

You *can* be picky about which quests you take though, outside of the main story lines. They put in more than enough to let you keep up with your main story line and not have to grind one bit.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby gamebrain89 » December 24th, 2011, 3:17 pm

Oh don't get me wrong, I like the story. But getting to the story was kind of a chore. and unless they made some last minutes tweaks to balance, when I was playing a Knight there were several times where I just couldn't get through the story missions without going out and working through an extra level or two.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby Phht » December 24th, 2011, 8:33 pm

I played up to trooper 30-33ish and never really had issues with being under level while working on story quests. Then again, like viridian, I tended to complete every mission on a planet before moving on -- level 11 leaving starter world, 21 when I got my ship, etc. Though I was running into issues on Alderaan at the end of the beta (I did skip a bunch of quests on Tatooine).

I love the Trooper storyline. Though I thought Taris was a bit weak comparatively.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby gamebrain89 » January 9th, 2012, 5:59 pm

Alright, so I was given TOR as a gift last week, and I gave it a second chance. I will say I am much happier with it than I was with the beta. They've added a bunch of stuff that wasn't present in the Beta, so I've been staying interested much more easily.

Now having played both Jedi classes and Trooper to level 12, I must say that Trooper is definitely my favorite so far. I'm really enjoying the story of it so far, and my buddy and I, both playing lvl 11 Troopers (Me as a Commando, him as a Vanguard) tore through the Esseles Flashpoint like tissue paper, and really made me feel like the characters were badass Spec Ops that aren't scared of anything, not even a punk with a Lightsaber. I'm really liking this class. Now I just need to go give my Sith Inquisitor and Imp Agent some play time to see how their stories run.
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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Thoughts -no NDA editio

Unread postby Kodra » January 12th, 2012, 6:18 pm

My entire life gaming life has been in this. I'm just about to hit 50 (level 48) but the Smuggler story is great.

Also, combat is a lot of fun, which paired with wicked good storytelling makes this my new go to MMO.
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