The Dresden Files discussion thread

Re: The Dresden Files discussion thread

Postby Wittgen » January 29th, 2013, 1:18 am


Well put serbii. Really well put.

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Re: The Dresden Files discussion thread

Postby Atharyn » January 29th, 2013, 2:26 am

I enjoy the books, yeah, I'm not going to stop reading, and there's nothing wrong with having a guy protagonist who likes and notices women. But the double standard is in them, not to a HUGE extent, but it's there, as in many places, and maybe if I point it out I'll mentally be labelled a crazy feminist, or brushed off, but I sort of hope it just means other people will notice it more, and maybe decide it's not ok. And when they're writing something, or commenting on something, or whatever else, they'll do their little bit to make the double standard go away.
Serbii, I agree with you that double standards are a bad thing. But, so far, you are ignoring a point that at least two of us have made obliquely-
We do not know if any of the "lady vamps" are actually bisexual or lesbian.

As has been noted by two of us-
Dresden is a guy. The "lady vamps" want to get their hooks into him. (Food, manipulation, whatever.) They are playing to a trope that they believe works for most men.

We haven't seen a viewpoint from a female figure dealing with this. My personal bet is that most of the predators would arrange for a gender-reversed ploy if there were ladies present. (Example - Murphy met Maeve in Summer Knight instead of Billy the Werewolf there would have been male eye-candy for Murphy.)

There has been at least one incident with a female police officer when Dresden was sneaking into Thomas's apartment. While it was not played up as much (and I don't have the book in front of me right now) it did get her attention at least slightly.

Anyway, food for thought.
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Re: The Dresden Files discussion thread

Postby serbii » January 29th, 2013, 4:12 am

Ugh, this is getting into an internet argument. I do not want to argue this back and forth, I do not want to try to pick apart a plot point for the next eight posts, certainly not something like sexism which inevitably ends up with everyone looking crazy and/or sexist.

So yes. There is the chance that maybe all those superhot women are acting pretending to be lesbians because they want to sleep with him.
(...I don't even, I'm just stopping here before I analyse that too deeply, there is no kind place I can go with it and it will end in a fight I have no desire to bother with)
If that it the case it does not eliminate the general problem these books have, certainly, yes, there are much worse out there, but they have room for improvement.
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Re: The Dresden Files discussion thread

Postby Farmer_10 » June 15th, 2014, 5:12 pm

So Skin Game was a book that happened. I am infinitely curious what this is gonna mean for Nicodemus and the Denarians in the future. There was definitely some heavy foreshadowing to what the next major conflict on that fronts gonna be and I think it might tie into the Black Council.
Spoiler: show
To be more specific, Harry will have to investigate the church itself at some point in the future before the end of the main series.
I think we've finally reached the end of the Fallout Arc that the last three books have been. Harry's will hopefully no longer be just dealing with the consequences of his deal with Mab and the events of Changes. He's starting to get his arsenal back, he's reconnecting with his loved ones and the New Normal has been more or less established.

Also I've been kinda dividing the Dresden Files into Seasons in my head. Major Spoilers ahead and I'm not tagging:
Storm Front through Death Masks are the First Season, establishing the World of Dresden Files and the major players. It ends with Harry facing true capital-E Evil (the Denarians) and with him coming to terms with his breakup with Susan. Season 2 goes from Blood Rites through Proven Guilty, which features a theme of growing Harry's circle and developing their relationships with him. Mouse the Dog enters the picture and Thomas becomes a major player in Harry's life because of obvious reasons. Butters also starts becoming a more important character over the course of these books as Harry's goto medic, which will continue into the next season. It ends with Harry gaining an Apprentice and becoming more involved with the White Council. Season 3 involves Molly's growth under Harry's tutelage and the escalating hostilities with the Red Court. I don't think I need to explain how Changes was the Season finale. And last but not least Season 4, Ghost Story through Skin Game (and maybe more), which can be summed up in one word: Consequences.
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Re: The Dresden Files discussion thread

Postby MrRigger2 » June 15th, 2014, 5:42 pm

For those who haven't seen any of the various Q&A sessions that Jim has done recently, we know the names of the next two books, PEACE TALKS and MIRROR MIRROR.

Peace Talks is apparently about the various supernatural nations coming to Chicago for a big meeting to discuss the destruction of the Red Court and the rise of the Fomor. According to Jim, this means that everyone's going to come together and talk out their problems and everyone's going to leave happy. I can't be completely sure, but Jim may be deceiving us on this point.

Mirror Mirror was revealed because someone asked if Jim ever wished he could go back and do something different. Mirror Mirror is apparently going to deal with an alternate universe where Harry made a different choice early on, and the different universe that resulted. Obviously, we don't have much in the way of information on this one, but if we don't see at least one joke about an Evil Goatee or Star Trek Alt-Verse reference, I will be thoroughly disappointed.

While I'm not going to go diving for all the talks I've watched, I will link the most informative, and funniest, which can be found here.

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